Monday, October 25, 2010

Girl's Nannual Weekend

Sometimes your family ends up being spread across the country and sometimes distance becomes an excuse for not getting together. Not for these girls. Every year they meet in the designated host's city and sisters, cousins, aunts, nieces, moms, and nanny spend the weekend laughing, crafting, shopping, eating, and having the biggest slumber party you can imagine.

They joke that it took them 8 hours to agree on a name for their weekend long party. The weekend is a girls family reunion, but really it's all about nanny. And nanny doesn't mind a bit.

The girls are pretty serious. I had a hard time getting them to loosen up a bit.

They were pretty unphotogenic too.
And oh, so camera shy.

I wonder where she gets it...

Daughters and nieces

The shoot was winding down and one by one each one of these beautiful girls decided they wanted their own pic with nanny too.
And since Starbucks runs are a such a big part of their weekend, we had to get one last shot.
Thanks for such a fun evening ladies!


Shannon said...

nicci, you are amazing! LOVE LOVE LOVE these! Isn't my nanny the cutest EVER!

One- said...

Nicci, thanks so much for a great shoot. What makes it so great, is when I look at the pics, the memories and laughs come floodin back. Thanks so much. Can't wait to see the rest

Eryn said...

so much fun, makes me want to be a part of this fam of fun girlies!

Julie D. said...

what a blast. and yes, shannon your nanny is the CUTEST ever!! what a treasure!

Velvet Owl Photography said...

LOVE these!! so fun, so so cute!

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